Tuesday, November 29, 2011


If I could change two things about our campus, I think I would have to choose changing the bell schedule and the food. I have hated our bell schedule since it was implemented I don’t think it benefits the students. It just seems to make me more tired throughout the day and I dread going to class where I have smi. The school should come up with a better system of how to distribute the hours throughout the day so it could be more effective for both teachers and students because many teachers also don’t like that we have to spend three hours in a class, sometimes they don’t have anything left to teach or they have already finished for the day and the rest of the class is just wasted time. This type of schedule just makes students get more distracted because it is hard to keep focus when your in a class sitting for three hours. The food is the other thing I would change because I also think it doesn’t benefit the students as well, many of the food they serve are very unhealthy and it doesn’t even taste good.  Their always telling you to eat healthy and get the right servings but how can you do that when all they’re offering you is unhealthy. They should at least better how the food taste and have more options so students can choose what they want. Another reason I believe the food should change is because students look forward to that part of the day because many get hungry during class and the food they serve should get them energy for their next class to keep them focused. That’s why those are the two things I would change from my campus.

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