Saturday, December 3, 2011


The  color red  immediately stands out from the others it is what you imagine the color of the rose to be when you touch one. The color red also reminds you of heat and fire, when you are standing next to the fire think of the different kind of reds it would show as its burning, and think of the warmth it gives of and the emotions it make you feel inside. Red can also be the sign of an emergency, it is the color of the emergency letters at the hospital. Red is also the color of danger when it makes you stop. Red is the color of your blood when you get a cut. Red can also be seen as love when you think of hearts you think of red ones for love, like valentines when everything in the stores is red and pink, and sometimes your cheeks get the color red when you get shy. Red can also be a symbol for spicy foods when you eat something that burns your tongue like a pepper think of the color red. Red is also the color of the ketchup you put on your french fries and the tomatoes that make it. Red is in many places and you can often sense that it is there even thought you can't physically see it.

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