Saturday, December 3, 2011


my ideas toward the quote are that it is true because wealth does posses people and it is very obvious in a community like ours. When people become wealthy they start thinking differently like they have the power to do anything they want, they think they can bribe anyone with money to get them to do what they want. Many become self absorbed into their own world because all they worry about now is how to get more money and they become ambitious. If something doesn't happen the way the wanted it to happen, all they have to do is pay to fix it since there is so much corruption that comes along with wealth. People will start stepping over others without caring to get what they want. Thats why i believe the people on top of the government are so corrupt because since they have a lot of money they believe they can do whatever they please and thats just not right. The imbalance of distribution wealth is just too high and it should stop, and  thats why those are my opinions towards that quote.

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