Saturday, December 3, 2011


Competition in today's world is not a pretty thing it leads to unnecessary things and wars costing millions of peoples lives. Although there is some competition which is healthy and enjoyable like for example a fun competition of who can raise the most money for a good cause or who can collect the most trash around our community. These type of competitions are excellent, you are able to give back to the community and to its people with some fun when you do these with friends. Sadly though, most of the competition that occurs today is not the healthy one, people will kill each other just to advance to the next stage or have the most power. There is competition for everything now like jobs, food,money,and friends. All these lead to jealousy and hate because one will always want what the other has. For example America is one of the biggest competitions to other countries because of the military technology we have, and they are always trying to outdo America. To maintain on top America I'm sure does may corrupt things along the way to maintain its position. I don't understand though, why they fight for these kind of things because really all their fighting for is who can get the most advanced weapons of mass destruction to destroy  human race.  Which affects its community in every way, economically, and socially. In the end the ones who end up paying for their competitions are the people of those countries even thought they have no say in what they want to fight for and what they shouldn't fight for.

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